is a natural system of healthcare that can encourage and promote the body's natural self-healing mechanism. Clean air, wholesome diet and plenty of pure water are essentials on the correct road to health.

As a Naturopath I use different modalities to help support and guide you along the correct course to achieve your optimum body efficiency.

Using Herbs is one of the oldest forms of natural healing known to man.

After consultation, where appropriate I can prescribe herbs to sooth, excite, calm or stimulate, dependent on your symptom or condition. Herbal preparations given are individual to your needs and are always considered if appropriate with any other medications you maybe taking.

Herbs can be taken as a tea, a drink or capsule.

Nutrients most often missing today are those that feed the nervous system and brain. This combination of deficiency virtually drains the body of vital energy. By identifying your deficiencies we are better able to find a protocol to bring you back to balance.
58 Bowness Road|Timperley|Altrincham|WA15 7YB|Tel: 0161 980 2073|Mobile 07916 125750